How does gay sex work

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But, these particular men putting themselves on display in De Wallen are standing there as a part of a campaign put on by My Red Light, a nonprofit brothel that works to improve conditions for sex workers and HUNQZ, “the largest network for gay and bi male and trans companionship services worldwide.”Īccording to a press release, the two have paired together “proposing a future that sees sex workers being treated equally to other independent entrepreneurs.” For this particular aspect, they are highlighting the need for more safe spaces for male sex workers to do their work in much the same way that women do.Īs an organization, My Red Light has four buildings with 14 different windows where they allow sex workers of all genders to rent spaces. To be honest, putting gay male sex workers in the red light district windows is exactly the kind of equality that we are looking for we are looking for these days true visibility. Well, for the city’s Pride, they are putting some men in the windows. But until now, those workers have been exclusively women. There, sex workers sometimes stand in front of one of hundreds of windows, looking to catch the attention of passersby.

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Amsterdam’s red light district is pretty infamous.

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